Sunday, November 27, 2005

type cast

Ok so you may or may not have noticed the new addition to my sidebar...

if you follow the link you can choose to do a mini profile with a smaller amount of questions or a full profile with a larger number of questions to get a more accurate reading...

Me, having the personality i do thought. i don't have time to do a full profile... but i want a mostly accurate result... so i did the middle one...

I am the Godfather... cool.. no wait. controlling. maybe a bit.

I thought i had better do a more accurate testing. so i did the full profile...

I am... still the Godfather... That's spooky.

I don't know if i want to live a life of organized crime...

although it might be fun making people offers they can't refuse...


Darryl said...

OK i assume some of you explored the famous leader profile as well...

I like JFK for his speeches but don't really appreciate their profile of him...

The Reverend said...

Hey wanna join the mafia together...we can start an organized crime ring, I got the Godfather too...

And for leadership I got Adolph Hitler?...I think that's bad isn't it,
It says "You are paranoid but killing all your enemies helps relieve anxiety, You are Hitler you see threats everywhere and always focus on worse case scenarios"....LOL