Tuesday, September 06, 2005

This was my trip to the freeway in hamilton

Watch the video

I had an awesome day today.  I started out in Brampton filming Jill's Story about her time on the streets and then i went to hamilton to have coffee with Perry.

 I met perry in College but didn't really get to know him.  It's amazing how now we can reconnect with much more in common.  I feel like a gained a friend today.  again... 


Perry is planting a church for post-modern people in ?Hamilton...  plus they just bought a bank and are turning it into a cafe... so they can be a part of the lives of the people in their community...

what a great day.  more on that to come.... 

1 comment:

The Reverend said...

Nice place but the members look a little young!? good conversation I'll bet