Tuesday, October 18, 2005

an amazing gift

So i figured i had better explain these last few weeks. My parents have given us the most amazing gift. They took our kids for a couple of weeks before the baby came... now i admit we expected the baby to have come by now but they haven't complained at all... and it has now been well over 2 weeks. in fact on friday it will be 3 and well we won't really be ready to have them back on friday.. for good reason... which i will comment on later.

anyhow. amazing parents who take their grandchildren need cudos.

thanks mom. love you...
thanks dad... owe you.


dawn2454 said...

Definitely an amazing gift, and wonderful parents!

Jennifer said...

I cannot wait to hear whether you had a handsome boy or another beautiful girl! Good luck Luana with the whole labour thing! I have been thinking about you and praying that everything goes perfectly for you and your little one (and Daryl too).