Thursday, November 16, 2006

A Few days off

so it's been a long time since i've posted it's november 16th and i am taking a few days off.

this weekend is my moms side of the family Christmas... i know it's early but its still all good.

and so i'm taking a much needed few days off before the business of Christmas.

plus Luana and i are still recovering from the business of my ordination service and get together and then the women's Christmas tea event where Luana was part of the planning team and a presenter that night.

needless to say busy so we are trying to get back to sanity this week...

the best way to do that...

Clean out the laundry room...

Ok i admit it was a stupid idea but it will be nice to have it done..

And i think we'll go to ikea on Friday.

mmmmmm Swedish lingonberry...

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