This is going to be an extremely busy week.
Our church is celebrating it's 10th anniversary.
I might not seem like much but for a cancer Survivor, 10 years can be a long time.
There are lots of things happening. The wedding described below. reunion meals. Services. Messages to prepare, videos to make. Stuff to pick up at the national office.
My house to clean so my parents can take care of our kids and there are some really good friends that could use a visit this week. They are the people who take priority!
I love doing what i am doing and though my time at the church hasn't always been easy. I personally have a lot to thank God for this weekend.
So with all of the stuff going on. I am committing my heart to praise, this weekend. God has done so much around here in the last number of years.
He's worth the praise and worth the work.
Have a great week.
You probably won't hear from me until its all been said and done.