I accepted a call to join the staff here. That's right. We're moving here.
and since we made the decision to go it feels like we have been constantly rushing and constantly waiting.
Rushing to buy a house, waiting to see if our offer was accepted.
Rushing to sell our own house, waiting for someone to buy it.
about a dozen episodes of amended offers, and counter offers each one with waiting involved.
Since September my wife has been working through the first semester of year 3 of her BA, at UofW.
she goes to school 4 days a week which means that 4 days a week I am rushing to get the kid and wife off to school, and 4 days a week i'm waiting for my wife to get home from school.
Weeks and months have gone by.
we are now just a month from Christmas.
by Christmas most of our Earthly possessions will be on a truck on their way to Thunder Bay.
we will be living out of our cars till Christmas is over and we can join our stuff up North.
it seems like there is a lot to do but i still spend all my time waiting.
waiting for all the paperwork to be done for our houses.
waiting for my chest cold to be gone so i can sleep in my own bed again.
waiting for all sorts of things.
yesterday i realized that i haven't spent enough time waiting on the Lord.
Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord.
I wait for the LORD, my soul waits, and in his word I put my hope.
God has been so good over the last few months.
We got called to join the amazing staff team here. That's right. We're moving here. Amazing.
did i mention that we found an awesome house?
In order to get said house, we had to sell our own in less than 3 weeks. we sold it in a day give or take a few amendments.
My wife is almost done her semester, the kids are getting excited about the adventure we are departing on, and really, God has withheld no good thing.
I'm not American but i am thankful today.